Lately I've been making a lot of mental lists of things that I need to do. With two kids under the age of two I should probably be making physical lists...but I can't find my notebook (mental note - buy notebook). Knowing that I am going to be moving in a month makes things a little more stressful - and the lists more necessary. Unfortunately, most of the stuff on my list is still sitting there undone. It goes something like this:
Last night, after Jeremiah talked to housing about a move out date, it hit me. Approximately one month from now I will be headed for Wisconsin...husbandless. No matter how much I sweeten it with "I'm going to be spending the next year with family that I rarely get to see" it still hurts. Since I first heard the news that Jeremiah is deploying I've barely shed a tear. Some part of me has been refusing to face the reality that he's going to be gone.
But as our house has slowly emptied out of furniture that we have sold it's becoming harder and harder to ignore the obvious.
Last night it hit me full force. It felt like a physical hurt deep in my chest. And the tears came.
Watching my daughter snuggle with her daddy last night - grabbing a blanket and asking to "cuddle" then giving him kisses - makes it even harder. How do you explain to a two year old why Daddy isn't coming home? She is a total Daddy's girl and cries when he just leaves for work. He is her favorite play mate; her very best friend. She's going to be so lost without him for a whole year.
How do we fit a whole year's worth of family time into the month that we have left?
So here's my list for this weekend...
- Fold Laundry - Check
- Wash Laundry - Check...oh, wait... there's already another load???
- Fold More Laundry - how about just piling them on the chair for now?
Get Clothes out of dryer- (hmm, if I don't do that one I won't have to fold it!)- Pack things that I won't need before move - (but, I can't pack that because I might use it!)
- Sort through clothes to decide what to take and what to pack into storage - Or not
- List things we don't want to put in storage on Craigslist and Lewis Yard Sales - Check
- Make grocery list and two week meal plan - Check
- Call TriCare - that can definitely wait
- Set up 2 year appt for Ana - Check
- Talk to housing about leave date - Check
- Face Reality - Check (wait! I don't remember putting that on my list!)
Last night, after Jeremiah talked to housing about a move out date, it hit me. Approximately one month from now I will be headed for Wisconsin...husbandless. No matter how much I sweeten it with "I'm going to be spending the next year with family that I rarely get to see" it still hurts. Since I first heard the news that Jeremiah is deploying I've barely shed a tear. Some part of me has been refusing to face the reality that he's going to be gone.
But as our house has slowly emptied out of furniture that we have sold it's becoming harder and harder to ignore the obvious.
Last night it hit me full force. It felt like a physical hurt deep in my chest. And the tears came.
Watching my daughter snuggle with her daddy last night - grabbing a blanket and asking to "cuddle" then giving him kisses - makes it even harder. How do you explain to a two year old why Daddy isn't coming home? She is a total Daddy's girl and cries when he just leaves for work. He is her favorite play mate; her very best friend. She's going to be so lost without him for a whole year.
How do we fit a whole year's worth of family time into the month that we have left?
So here's my list for this weekend...
- Put off everything on my to-do list except for good quality family time - Check (especially if that means no laundry!!!!)
Daddy and the Diva playing under the blanket |
Our Family on Easter Sunday |