Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Not Goodbye

Nearly two months ago my husband left on his first deployment. I keep telling myself that this is not "Goodbye" merely a "See you Later." It's still difficult!

Here are a few pictures of our last hour together (unfortunately I didn't think to get any of him and me)

Mr. Smiley and Daddy! (flag background done by Close at Heart)

The Little Diva and Daddy chilling at the PX

Playing with Daddy's PC while we ate our last meal together

So happy boy with no clue as to the changes that were coming

LOVE the expression on my Little Man's face!

Last Kisses

Last Hugs!

WE MISS YOU DADDY!!! Hurry home safe and soon!


  1. Thank you for all you do. We know that you are sacrificing for us all too. Keeping your husband in my thoughts and pray for his safe return home soon.

  2. I'm crying as I look at these. (I'm up because Sam has to be at work at 4am) You all are in my prayers always. I'm so proud of how you're handling it all. <3

  3. precious. My prayers are with you and him during this time you're apart.

  4. Beautiful Pictures that say it all... LOVE!

  5. Thank you for sharing!! There is an incredible message of love in those photos.

  6. Awww. I am sorry that it isn't getting any easier. Please know that I am so thankful for the sacrifice that your family is making to keep our country safe. I know it cannot be easy. You are a hero yourself, tending to the homestead while your husband is gone. Thank you. Seriously. I mean it.

